Thursday, November 27, 2008


so pretty much I put the first episode of my new sims 2 series on youtube lol
hellz yeah.
I'm just passing the time while episode 2 uploads. Then Imma make episode 3 :)

I just watched the coolest movie! it was called 'Wristcutters' haha it was awesome x]
the guy who played Zia (forgot his name) reminds me of JT from Hawthorne Heights for some strange reason. I don't know why lol

in the end he went down the black hole in the russian guys car and woke up in the hospital with bandages on his wrists and he looked over and the black haired girl was in the hospital. they smiled really wide at eachother and then the credits started rolling. I don't really get it, but I'm sure I'll get it soon enough.

YESH my stalker hasn't been sitting with me on the bus! holy shit I'm happy!
uh oh what if he read my blog lol that would not be good ._.

I'm so bored. I talked to my friend on the phone on sunday. yup. is it done uploading yet?!

oh wait, as soon as I typed that it was lmao :D

Monday, November 24, 2008


RIP Casey Calvert :'(
its been a year without him..
he was truely one of the best screamers in the buisness..
Hawthorne Heights just isn't the same..
their new album isn't as awesome as their first two bc of the loss..
but they are still one of the most ahmazing bands in the world :)

Our hearts are heavy and light.
We laugh and scream and sing.
Our hearts are heavy and light.
In loving memory: Casey Calvert

are you kidding me?!?!?!
my stalker just asked me what bus stop I go to!
well, no.
lol I just said "I dont know. the one near my house." ugh.
god, I can't live with this guy breathing for me. just like I said, this is DEEP DEEEEEEP hate I have for him!

okay, then he said "I do not know where you live =P" and I said, "Well thats a good thing!" LOL jkjk I didn't say that. but I should have. I said, "wellll why do you wanna know what bus stop I go to anyway?!" and now I'm waiting for his reply. UGHHH *waits*

he said he has no idea. RIGHT.

on a lighter note, I went into myspace music, and clicked emo, and it showed me a whole list of emo bands, and I saw one that said "LOST IN THE SHADOWS" I thought that was pretty tight pahaha so I went on there is this song I love soooo much, its crazy! its called 'Pain I feel for you' omg i love it!

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry call I'm desperate for your voice Listening to the song we used to sing In the car, do you remember Butterfly, Early Summer It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet Like when we would meet Cause I was born to tell you I love you and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh Cause every breath that you will take when you are sitting next to me will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy? Cause I was born to tell you I love you and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home Cause I was born to tell you I love you and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight Cause I was born to tell you I love you and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight

its so cute ^_^
and the most horrible thing is..this song is the best song I have ever heard, but no one has any clue who the band is. their in hiding, or something.
^^look for yourslef^^
listen to the song, btw.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hey what upp son?

I took a new photographh!

its my new myspace default ferr sureee! XDD

I think I look pretty hot lmao.
don't think I'm conceited; I NEVER say that.
I mean, well..
ugh Saw 5 isn't playing anymore, I'm so sadd :'(
BUT Imma go see twilight twice on wednesday&&friday x]
*sigh* soo.
I'm pretty freaking bored. OMGZ the stalkers back!
I changed my name from {SamSuffocate} [MCRmy] to SamSuffocate™ [its a deathwish.]
and then he sent me a freaking message saying, "I like the new name." do you think I care what you think of my name?!?! I didn't reply lol.
and it also made me histericly laugh because when my name says "its a deathwish" I'm talking about him BAHAHAHA!!!! Like I said, I find myself wanting him to die :D


ahh I need to start listening to songs before I put them on my playlist.
I already know of 2 that aren't what they say they are.
Silver Bullet by Hawthorne Heights and Cassie by Flyleaf.

I dunno what songs they really are..hmm.

Th crazy guy hasn't sent me anything on myspace today ^_^ I'm so happy.
hes a freaking stalker.

Like, he went through allllll of my updates on myspace, looked at the profiles of everyone I'm friends with, and yeah.

My friend made this band account, and she put me as one of the vocalists.
He sent me a message like, "Your the vocalist of a band?" and I said, "wtf? who said that?" but I knew what he was talking about. Then she changed me to tamborine, and he said "What other instruments do you play that I don't know about? =)" like, WTFFFF!!!!! I said all nasty, "I don't play any instruments." pahaha I'm just gonna be nasty to him from now on.
and then he sent me a whole new message saying, "Me neither, I can only play guitar."
1.) wouldn't it be easier to just REPLY to the message we already had going on?
2.) you freaking idiot, that means you DO play an instrument. ugh.

god. I fucking hate him. He needs to go die in the whole he was born in. Like, I've never hated someone soooo much.

ON A LIGHTER NOTE; I wrote a storyyyy. I have the first couple chapters done, I might put them in the story section on quizzilla. hmm
idk. I'm gonna go take a shower, I feel dirtyyy.
I *mighht* see saw 5 today if my mom doesn't wanna act gay about it. okayy see yew! sorry this was kinda short :/

Friday, November 21, 2008

well, well, well!

okay, so remember I told you about that guy that said he likes my pants?
WTF?!?! I know, right?

I seriously find myself wanting him to die. Like, either that or Imma kill myself. I can't get rid of him! He MADE me add him AND his sister on myspace, and now everyday he sends me 10 messages! UGHHH

like, he's gonna go play football (I hate fricken football btw) then he'll send me a message about it.

He's gonna go get something to eat. he sends me a message.

His sister got a toilet paper roll at CVS; Sam has to be the first to know!!

GOD please kill him! I can't take it! I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS!!

his sister was talking to me and she was randomly like, "You get with him." and I'm like, "Uhh no thanks." ahhh I felt bad.

but DAMN! leave me alone for 5 minutes! Jesus!

He trys to sit with me EVERY-fricken-DAY on the bus, but sometimes someone else will snag the seat and I'll be silently cheering the whole bus ride because I don't have to hear his voice.

Like, this is deep, deeeeep hate! I don't know what to do! and BTW, I. CAN'T. UNDERSTAND. A. FRICKEN. WORD. HE. SAYS. its just mumbling! UGHHH!!!


pardon my french, but it had to be said.

anyway, GAH life sucks. yeah, I say that every post but its a proven fact.
hmm..OH! more ranting!

I have this "friend" named Ms. X (not really, but we'll call her that) and she drives me crazy.
she is a total girly preppy girl, wears hollister and all that shit, and she thinks shes PUNK.
and also, she says people call her emo.

what has this fucking world come to?
calling little girls who wear abercrombie and fitch and sweat pants emo?
somethings happening.

anyway, yeah. I'm not lying, but the only place I've ever heard her been called emo was third period, science.

I was talking to Chris and Hayley back when I sat in the back in the begining of the year, and Chris said I'm more emo than Ms. X. I said, "wtf? ms. X isn't emo! thats totally retarded!" and he said, "Yes she is."
and a while later, she posts a bulletin on myspace saying that everyone calls her emo and that when she walks down the halls people say, "Oh, look, its Ms. X, she's so emo!" I wish people said that about me. All they call me is goth. But I'll get to that later.

Anyway, yeah. Now, she has all this crap on her myspace like, "o, ima sooo lonly dnt b mean to meh." Yes, thats how she types. I wanna kill someone who types like that.

ugh. OH YEAH, the difference. I'M NOT GOTH YOU FRICKEN RETARDS, I hope you read this fags!

(usually initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a style of architecture, originating in France in the middle of the 12th century and existing in the western half of Europe through the middle of the 16th century, characterized by the use of the pointed arch and the ribbed vault, by the use of fine woodwork and stonework, by a progressive lightening of structure, and by the use of such features as flying buttresses, ornamental gables, crockets, and foils.
(usually initial capital letter) pertaining to or designating the style of painting, sculpture, etc., produced between the 13th and 15th centuries, esp. in northern Europe, characterized by a tendency toward realism and interest in detail.
(initial capital letter) of or pertaining to Goths or their language.
(usually initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the music, esp. of northern Europe, of the period roughly from 1200 to 1450, including that of the Ars Antiqua, Ars Nova, and the Burgundian school.
(usually initial capital letter) pertaining to the Middle Ages; medieval.
(sometimes initial capital letter) barbarous or crude.
(often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a style of literature characterized by a gloomy setting, grotesque, mysterious, or violent events, and an atmosphere of degeneration and decay: 19th-century gothic novels.
(initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to the alphabetical script introduced for the writing of Gothic by Ulfilas and derived by him from Greek uncials with the addition of some Latin and some invented letters.
(often initial capital letter) being of a genre of contemporary fiction typically relating the experiences of an often ingenuous heroine imperiled, as at an old mansion, where she typically becomes involved with a stern or mysterious but attractive man.–noun
(usually initial capital letter) the arts and crafts of the Gothic period.
(initial capital letter) the extinct Germanic language of the Goths, preserved esp. in the 4th-century translation by Ulfilas of the Bible. Abbreviation: Goth, Goth., goth.
(often initial capital letter) a story, play, film, or other work in the gothic style.
(usually initial capital letter) British. black letter.
(often initial capital letter) a square-cut printing type without serifs or hairlines.



Still think I'm goth, bitches?!?!
Well, two words.


Monday, November 17, 2008

life sucks.

but what can I do?

okay, randommmm..
The other day I bought an MSI (mindless self indulgence) CD (the new one; If) and I listened to it in the car with my mom..bad idea.

lmao she said never wanted to dance is her new favorite song x]
it IS pretty amazing, though.

and she said she heard "Columbine" twice in a song. and then she got all up in my grill about it.
she said she didn't want me to listen to songs encourageing it. ughh she is SO gay (and she doesn't even like boys..)

but she said if it said something like "those assholes at columbine.." it would be okay. like, wtf?!?!
I refused that it even said anything close to that. then one day I was listening to my ipod at probably 8 pm, and I was listening to mastermind, I heard it lmfao.

I walked downstairs to check the lyrics on the internet, and my uncle was in the kitchen?!?!
I was like, "whoa! uhh..when did you get here?!" and besides, who randomly walks through the door at 8 pm?!?!

I went downstairs to get on the comp., and it did say columbine. but it doesn't even make sense?

it says:
"I'm a mastermind.
it's a problem of mine.
it like Columbine."

like..okay, thats not bad you fricken idiot? bahaha.
I told her..right in front of my uncle..
and she was like, "Well, I'll have to read all of the lyrics in that song." like I was a five year old or something. but its my fault, I told her at the worst possible time. When someone else was there, and at night time.

my mother is the most bitchy human being this side of earth when other people are around/ when the sun goes down.
when other people are around, she acts like shes the best mother ever!
someone else: "No, you shouldn't watch that movie..its too old for you."
just me: "Yeah, watch it..I don't care."

someone else: "Those lyrics are bad!"
just me: "this is a good song."

and when the sun goes down, shes very, VERY mean to me. uhh
sun up: "Oh, I'm sorry you got attacked by a spider. let me kill it."
sun down: "Ugh, your so stupid Sam. its just a spider."

sun up: "Why do you look mad? what happend?"
sun down: "fine, be that way! be a little bitch!"

I mean, these are some EXACT quotations.
feel bad for me, yet?

oh btw, I hate my life. isn't it spectacular?!?!?!
I know, right?

Friday, November 14, 2008

yay the worst day of my life! :)

my period leeked through my pants today at school. ahhhh

okay, so, I got my period yesterday, and I was pretty mad, so I wore a pad today.
then, I have NO time during the day to change my pad, soooo I was gonna change it in the gym locker room. 4th period. bad idea.

I was PMSing allllll day and I was really mean to people lol especially Corey, that fricken retard! I HATEE HIM!!!! okay, sooo then in gym, I went to my locker, and then I was about to go change my pad, and when I got up off of the bench, Lindsey was like, "ew, what is that?"

I was mortified. I was like, "Oh my god! my period went through my pants!" and Sara-Nika was like, "Oh my god! what?!?!" and then I bent over and asked if it went through my pants, and she was like "Oh my god! it did!" ahahahahaha!!!!

I changed my pad, and then put on my gym shorts over my pants, and by then EVERY girl in the locker room had heard, they were like "are you okay?!?!" I said "yeahh..I'm fine.." and yeah.

I went down to the office, and waited for my mom to come pick me up bahahaha.
the secretarys were telling me their period stories *ughhh* talk about awkward aha

and then she picked me up at about 12 and it's all good! :D
hahahaha I'm just glad it was in the GIRL's locker room, but I'm sure by now every single guy has heard. -_-'

kill me :/

&&&this morning, this kid sat next to me, and he was like, "are you emo?!" lol I get that enough :P
and I said, "Nah."
"are you goth?"

"I'm too young to be emo."

"you can be emo at any stage in your life! you can be born emo!"


"have you ever cut yourself?"


"how come you always say 'nah'?"

"I dunno."

yup yup yuppppp.
the whole day ;)

also, we watched a biography on Edgar Allen Poe. he's my new hero :D
do you know how many loved ones he lost from the red death?!?! 3 or 4.

poor guy :((((

Thursday, November 13, 2008

like, oh-em-gee

okay. today, today, today!

well, my mom'll be working late today and doesn't get home til 8'o clock (PM) and I have to be here alone for..a long time.

and if I don't do my homework, then she swears she will find something thin & rope-like and kill me. its seriously a quote that came from her mouth. I'm afraid of her. O.o

anyway, I finished most of the homework in OP (free period, whatevz) but now Amanda sits behind so I was talking to her kinda, BUT I got all the homework thats due tomorrow done. Well, most of it. this one thing I need the internet to do. but whatever, I REFUSE TO DO IT! yeah, I refuse.

anywho, ahh. today on the bus this kidd sat next to me on the way home, (btw, I have to RUN to my bus everyday, b/c its the first one in the line, and it has to leave first so the other buses can leave. of course.) and it was awkwardly silent most of the time, and then he said "I like your pants." pahaha. I said thanks, and he asked where I got them, I said Hot topic, he said do you shop at spencers, I said yeah, he said he got his shirt at spencers. and that was the whole convo lol. and then when he got off he said "see ya" and I just waved lmao. But i don't think he even saw me wave, as soon as he said see ya he looked away. ughh. now I feel badd :/

ewww the other day I saw Dylan's chest. ewwww.

Okay, you should know who Dylan is. hes this fat faggot kid who thinks hes hilarious never does his work, and never EVER comes to school, thank god. and btw, he likes me. YEAH, WTF?!?! I always tried to be nice to him, and fake laugh at his retarded jokes, and now he likes me. this is why you shouldn't be nice to people. they say be nice to retarded people, but what does that make him do? like me. I'm never being nice again. godddddddd. and his brother started texting me one day trying to get me to go out with him. pahahaha I was with Rachel, and she said "I'm gonna kill him for annoying you!" and I texted him, "My friends says shes gonna kill you. I'd be afraid." bahahaha. it was hilarious. god, I hate Dylan. I used to try to not think bad things about him, but I'm deff giving that up. fat ass. but he'll be held back, so its all good.

and on the subject of faggot guys, in my last post I mentioned Jacob and Stevie. lets start with Jacob!

okay, it was 4th grade. I wasn't friends with Rachel yet (this was the year we met). Rachel started becoming best friends with Jacob, the kind of friend where when they did become my friend, they ditched me everyday at recess. I was so lonely. this is when the depression starts :'(

anyway, I had the hugest crush on Jacob. EVER. It was the hardest I had ever fallen for a guy (so far) and I never told anyone. he soooo liked me back. Rachel even told me, "Jacob is flirting with you!" lolz. but then, the worst day EVER came. Jacob told Rachel he liked her. AHHHH I was so sad, I cryed when I got home D': but I never told anyone. and they started dating. 4th grade romance bahaha. then, Jacob gayness began, and he would be gay to Rachel and be like "Your cheating on me!" hahaha. this made Rachel very sadd :( I had to comfort her. finally, she was finished with Jacob. I was to, that little retard. he's almost as bad as Dylan.

Then came Stevie. it was 5th grade, last year, and he apparently liked Rachel. he asked her out over myspace, and she said yes. But then she found out stevie didn't really like her, and he was asking out every single girl in the 5th grade LOL. Rachel always kept telling me about how bad he was, and how he added he to the very first person on his top friends on myspace LOL I found that hilarious. I added him to my friends, and then on feild day I started talking to him. I felt bad for him, I wanted to be nice. why o why didn't I listen to Rachel?! he sent me a message on myspace and asked me out. O.o ughhhh. I sent him a message like, "WHOA. Rachel was right, you do ask every girl out!" and he said "yeah yeah, whats the answer?!"

"Ugh, sorry. no."

"Why not."

"I already have a boyfriend" lol I lied :P

"Oh, well maybe when you break up." wtf? you don't say that to people!

"No, sorry."

"why not? who is it?"

"I can't tell, its a secret."

"Just tell me, please."


"I know you and your friends talk about me everyday at recess!"

"WTF no we don't! perv! better yet, STALKERRR!" haha. I didn't say that bahaha.

in the middle of messageing him, I was on my friends stream on youtube, and I told the people in there what was going on, and one person said, "eww! dont go out with him, it could be a hairy old man!" HAHAHAHAHAHA.

omg that was hilarious! :DDDD

haha, well that was a long time agooo. now Rachel is homeschooled and we both deleted Stevie off our myspace friends. Jacob and Stevie actually come back in our youtube series! LOL

they both die :)

and today Jacob asked me for Rachel's cell number. O.O should I give it to him? I think Rachel would be mad at me. but I still am giving it to him, I wanna see what he'll do! he wont tell me!

okay, buh byez.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


hey nobody :/

sorry it took me sooo long to post. I SWEAR TO GAWD imma post everyday from now on. Okay, well, random crap first.

I was bored one day, so I made this fake myspace lol. It was LauraxLithium haha. I added my best friend to the friends and I was like, "hey! you seem really awesome! you like MCR?! me too!" and then she accepted and TOTALLY FELL FOR IT! she sent 'Laura' a message telling her (laura) her whole life story from 4th grade to now. It was all about Jacob (gotta tell you about him) in 4th and Stevie (oh em gee, must tell yeww!) in 5th. and now I'm in 6th, and she TOTALLY ditched me and is home schooled! >:
but anyway, she told Laura and Laura was like, "wow! thats some crazy stuff! but I'm sure one day you'll find someone who's worth it<33" hahahaha. but seriously, she is homeschooled! how is she gonna get a boyfriend? the grocery store? lmao.
but yeah, I felt bad, so I sent her a message from my normal account and said "I'M LAURA!" she got mad lol
and now she made this myspace that said "my name will go unknown by all people, so just call me wolvalena" WTF?!?! I knew it was her, from the moment she sent me a friend request, so I left a comment and I was like, "Hey Rachel ;)" but she denied it. ugh. and then on her real account she posted all this crap about "OMG I just found my long lost BFF I haven't seen in years!" haha. she said in third grade the both of them were pen pals and now she lives in alaska in my grade. give me a break. she put up all these pictures of girls with black hair (totally different people) and captioned each one as "me" hahahaa. she also put up all these pictures of this guy saying "this is my boyfriend Ryan!" ahahahhaahhaha. AND she put up pictures of these little kids saying "this is my little siblings!" lmao. those people are gonna be MAD if they see their picture on that gay profile. also, she said she is in MY grade. naw dog. those chicks were atleast in high school pahahaha. ahh. so I made another fake myspace. Vannessa Vanity :P I edited the picture MASSIVELY! I have green//black hurr haha it looks real :) and I turned my jacket inside out to the part I never wear :) I haven't told her I'm Vannessa, but she asked and I started laughing, so I think she thinks I am. well duh she thinks I am. but she finally admited to being "wolvelena" bahahahahahaha.

Okay, I hate school. it SUCKS! everyone is retarded. I mean, I hold the fricken door open for people and they just stare at me like I'm retarded while they walk through the door. but theres this guy in 8th grade at my school, OMGGG he is HOT! hahaha. all the guys in my grade are so ugly. but theres this one guy I've known for a couple years who I'm going to school with this year, and were kindaa meant for eachother lmao but nahh it'll never happen for me :((
maybe if I didn't set my expectations so far up I'd actually get a boyfriend for the first time in my life. I mean..yeah, I have expectations.
1. has to be hot (of course) but not TOO hot.
2. has to have AWESOME hair. (must have)
3. like the bands I like (also must have)
4. have a myspace (well, not a must have)
5. cant just leave me to hang out with his friends, has to act the same to me when were alone and when others are around.
6. really nice.
7. not a huge flirt who will cheat on me.
8. will tell me I'm pretty everyday
9. will dress kinda like me
10. will be..kinda like me.

I mean, yeah. thats kinda alot to ask, I know, but its not my fault! I've been planning the perfect boyfriend my whole life since I've never had one. but maybe one day something good will happend to me for the first time EVERRR.

kill me :/

Friday, November 7, 2008


uhm I didn't go to school today, bc I just hate school heh.

but my mom gave me this whole list of things to doa round the house. I've already done most of them (wrong lol) but I still have to clean up the basement. ughhhh

heyyy! check out this pic

uhmmm I took it a few days ago, but I think its tiight :)

I have the Princess Frankie crown! :DDDD

aha its so tiight :P (the crown, not the picture)

mmm I usually dont like songs that are popular and get played on the radio alot, but I reallyyy love the song 'I don't care' by Apocaliptia (or however you spell it..) I heard it on Fuse and the music video was amazingly weird, so I bought it iTunes and now its the myspace song.

mhm, I went there.

aha no clue why I just said that?!

I'm so bored lmao

but atleast I get to talk to my Bestie, Rachel, bc she is homeschooled and we be talking on myspace right now.

did you know I'm fluent in 7 languages?! I know, I've been learning since I was a weee baby ;)

Hablo español en este momento, no asombro yo en esto? usted dice mejor sí. ¡Justo para el registro, yo utilizo un translater si usted puede leer esto. tan prestigio a usted para ver cuán bueno que puedo estar!

Maintenant je parle le français. est jaloux. La France est impressionnante, mais pas aussi impressionnante qu'Angleterre. J'irai à l'Angleterre pour à peu près 3 ans et est revenu alors avec un accent anglais, et tout le monde sera comme « dit plus de mots, Sam » ! cela devrait être amusant.

Ja dies ist deutsch. Ich habe Deutsch in drittem Grad gelernt, hat dann aufgegeben. Ich habe auch Japaner in drittem Grad gelernt, und habe dann. aufgegeben und ich habe es alle mich selbst gelehrt., aber wie ich auf Spanish gesagt habe, ich kann nicht wirklich irgendeine Sprache außer Englisch und Schwein Latein sprechen. ah ich verpasse Schwein Latein: (

Sì, questo è italiano. Desidero che io potrebbe parlare effettivamente l'italiano, piuttosto che usa un hehe di traduttore. Spero che le persone che parlano delle lingue diverse non mi battono a una polpa, perché sono matti a me per è gaio (non l'homo gaio) ma gaio come in fingere posso parlare la loro lingua ah

Nederlands zoon! heh ik kan denken aan dat niets te typen, zodat hier sommige teksten is:) Hei weet daar, ik dat zijn hard te voelen, zoals ik om aan iedereen. niet geef waar u bent en hoe u voelt, met deze lichten van als deze wielen, rollene kost op en op.

Logo é português. Acabo de nos poemas líricos eu começei acima: Retarde coisas, ou corre-os para cima, não suficiente ou bem demais. como são você quando sou ido? E eu não o posso fazer por conta própria! (Eu não o posso fazer por conta própria.).

и наконец, русский язык. Я люблю русский язык <3>

yup. and if you wanna know what I said, go here:

hmmmm. what else is happening ?!

I drew this picture, its MCR as penguins. and Ice cream. and Babies! I haven't finished the babies though. Imma go do that right now.

~a while later~

lol. I've got mad skills! haha jk its pretty weird O_O
Gerard looks..scary.
and Bob is sleeping (shh!)
and Mikey was holding a blanky, but it got cut off :/
haha yeah I was bored. I started it at Rachel's house, in red pen, and then I finished it in pencil just now :P

hmmmmmm. what else is there to do?! dont you just love those dress up things? the doll things? will I do. I really like this one:
its sooo tight :P
ahhhh well, I think I'm done with my random blogging. :(

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I forgot to mention this random bit of info;
okay, so like, in May of last year or something, I got chosen to go to this thing at this different school, I don't know what it was. And I met this girl named Hayley. We both loved My Chemical Romance, lol! we got eachothers phone numbers and we called eachother once. The phonecall lasted half an hour. Then my phone died, and we had to stop talking. Since then, I've lost her number. It's killing me to talk to her, she's so awesomeeee!
BUT, she said her mom works in the bakery in Giant. so everytime I go to Giant, I'm gonna ask whatever lady who's working there if she has a daughter named Hayley. then maybe I can track her down!
wish me luck, no one.

a first post, eh?!

the name be Sam, and I'm your worst nightmare!
I don't know exactly what I'll be posting in this thing, but we'll see.
I got a hair cut the other day. I like it ^_^
Check out this pic:

it was the first pic I ever took with the new hurrr.

Like, see the difference?! (old pic:)

I think I look older with it. you decide.

also, I got a metro station CD <33
their amazing :P
Kelsey is my fave :)